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Arctic Tern(ID:5083)
Sterna paradisaea


Number of individuals: 2
Age: Adult
Sex: Unknown
Observation date: April 18, 2012

Source of information: birding.sk
Uploader: Zalai Tamás
Observer(s): Ján Dobšovič, Rudolfa Triebla

Location: Duna-csatorna
Town: Somorja
County: Trnava (SK)
GPS Coordinates: (48.003172791876196, 17.261583141406277)

Note: On April 18th about 13,00 hours we were on a birding trip near Csunovo under the leadership of Ján Dobsovic. We had sunny weather and excellent light, and ducks, gulls, grebes a.o. were quite busy swimming and flying, when Ján asked me for my opinion concerning two terns standing on a piece of wood floating diagonal in our direction in about 60 m distance. By my simple binoculars ( 10 x 42) they seemed to be "whiter" than others, most of them flying and hunting. Through Ján´s telescope it was obvious that those terns were not Commons, and when noticing very short legs, tailpins proceeding the wings, a shorter bill, a narrower cap between the ears, there was no other conclusion left for both of us: Arctic Tern. The only characteristic not fitting the picture was the rather reddish-black bill, according to the drawings in "Svensson" possibly right in a phase of change. I may add that though I have never seen the bird near Neusiedler See/ Seewinkel I know it quite well from a one-month stay as bird - warden on Norderoog /North-Sea ( 2001), at that time (April/May) the breeding-birds with bright red bills of course, mixed up with Common Terns in one colony.



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